1 min read

30 day map challenge - day 1

I’m going to try to do the 30 day map challenge. Think Inktober, but for geospatial. To keep the flow I’m likely to do minimal commentary, and a couple of days might land at once when I play catch-up.


#Day 1: Points


data_pipe = function(year_index){
  data = stats19::get_stats19(year=year_index) %>% 
    filter(police_force == "West Yorkshire") %>% 
    filter(!is.na(longitude), !is.na(latitude)) %>% 
    select(date, accident_severity, longitude, latitude) %>% 
    st_as_sf(coords = c("longitude", "latitude"), crs = "WGS84")

map_dfr(2022:2019, data_pipe) %>% 
  tm_shape() + tm_dots(col = "accident_severity")