2 min read

Space-filling Curves

Discovering new packages

My news reader is subscribed to the R-bloggers news-feed, which includes RStudio’s ‘Top 40’ new CRAN packages of the month. Most of them go over my head - “Genomics” is its own category, and I know next to nothing about Genomics at that level.

I do know a couple of things about Hilbert Curves, so gghilbertstrings caught my eye.

I’ve started a few longer posts and parked them since the last post. Sometimes it’s good to just go “this 1 graph is pretty”.

What is this fractal?

XKCD already used it for a visualisation, and explain XCKD has a decent explanation of IP addresses, but relies on Wikipedia for explaining the space-filling curve.


gganimate is not playing nicely with my Hilbert curves - you can see an animation on the Wiki page above.

I’m going to choose (too many) digits of \(\pi\): I’ve used it for visualising before.

Why you don’t graph \(\pi\) in a line:

#Turn Pi into a giant number array. 

pi = read_file(here::here("static/data/pi")) %>% 
  str_remove_all(" ") %>% # Copied from internet, it had some spaces.
  str_remove_all("\\.") %>% 

pi = pi[[1]] %>% 

tibble(x = seq_along(pi), pi = pi) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x=x, y=pi)) + geom_point()

All digits get smushed into each other. If I expand:

tibble(x = seq_along(pi), pi = pi) %>% 
  filter(x <= 1000) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x=x, y=pi)) + geom_point()

Still blooming useless. But it looks cool. I think there’s a sweet spot where it will look like morse code.

Hilbert Plots

tibble(val = seq_along(pi), pi = pi) %>% 
  filter(val <= 1000) %>% 
  mutate(pi = as_factor(pi)) %>% 
  gghilbertplot(val, color = pi, add_curve = TRUE) + scale_color_viridis_d()

By using more of the plot, we can see more.

At 100k points, there’s serious overplotting and we’re into Jackson Pollock territory.

tibble(val = seq_along(pi), pi = pi) %>% 

  mutate(pi = as_factor(pi)) %>% 
  gghilbertplot(val, color = pi, add_curve = TRUE) + scale_color_viridis_d()